Abhutha Sanniya

Abhuta Sanniya Abhuta Sanniya Abhuta Sanniya

This is an illness that affects the mind. Eating unsuitable unwholesome food, engaging in unsuitable conduct, eating stale food, loose motions, fear of sex, excitement and anxiety, anger, sorrow, all leading to increase of phlegm, lessening of bodily strength which leads to this baseless, false or unreal beliefs. Lifting of the chest up and down, burning sensations, absentmindedness sweating, behaving like a fool, lack of sleep are symptoms of this illness. This mask has been created to depict the characteristics of sleeplessness which causes absentmindedness: sweating, burning sensations and such like symptoms of illness.

Abhuta Sanniya Abhuta Sanniya Abhuta Sanniya

【LK94008221: Abhuta Sanniya. Text by Lakpura™. Images by Google, copyright(s) reserved by original authors.】
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